Just for fun, here is the master recipe I use for 4 one-pound boules (round loaves) of white artisan (flavorful and crusty) white bread with no-knead high-hydration 72-hour dough, from Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day.
8/28/21: This is my current recipe version. There are other ways of doing it, this is just the version of the Master Recipe that I use.
2 loaves
370 g cold water from the tap 1.25 g yeast (use a super-sensitive scale) 22 g salt 455 g King Arthur flour*
*This flour is all-purpose, white flour, 12.7% protein. This amount is a little less than half of the standard 5-pound/2267 gram bag. |
A double batch with 1000 g flour (a calculation which shows that the dough is 81% hydration). This would make 4 loaves (I have not tried this version).
814 g cold water from the tap 2.8 g yeast 28 g salt 1000 g King Arthur Flour
Note - substitute 5% of the flour with dry milk powder if you want to do a 24-hour version. |
Day 1:
- Mix water, yeast, and salt in a 2-quart round plastic bucket.
- Stir in flour with Dutch whisk only until just mixed (about 1 minute).
- Cover loosely with saran wrap.
- Stretch and fold (YouTube link) 3 times during the first hour. (This additional step is not from the book, but rather, is from Jim Lahey's book, My Bread). Brod and Taylor agree.
- Spray 2 seconds of spray-oil on top of each dough so the dough won't dry out.
- Let the dough sit overnight, 16-18 hours on the counter in a 74-degree house.
Day 2:
- Put in the fridge.
Day 3:
- Do nothing.
Day 4:
- Do nothing.
Day 5:
- Separate into two loaves, and gently place each dough onto a 8" banneton that has been heavily floured with rice flour.
- Place an upturned bowl on top of the dough.
- Turn on oven to 450 degrees with a pizza steel in the oven.
- Place a baking pan (cookie sheet with rim) on the rack below the pizza steel.
- Let the dough rest 90 minutes while the oven heats up.
Insert: After the 90 minutes of rest:
- Dust a pizza peel generously with corn meal.
- Gently dump the dough onto the pizza peel.
- Slide the dough from the pizza peel to the hot pizza steel.
- Dump one cup of hot water onto the baking pan. There will be a lot of steam, so shut the oven door immediately.
- Bake: Bake for 30 minutes.
- Cool: Take out loaf and paper with tongs, and cool the loaf on a cooling rack for 1 hour.
If giving as a gift, wrap in butcher paper: (YouTube link).