Pawsitivity Service Dogs


Financials and Annual Reports for Donors and Grantmakers

Financials for Donors and Grantmakers

We has been training service dogs since 2012. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which means that your donations are tax-deductible.

Your donation saves lives--and we prove it. Unlike other organizations, Pawsitivity Service Dogs for Veterans has been evaluated by an independent third party.

This Impact Evaluation found that our service dogs are "life-changing" and help with PTSD, anxiety, and depression, helping clients get back to work and school.

Unlike other organizations, Pawsitivity Service Dogs for Veterans' finances are all online.

We believe that a nonprofit’s finances should be transparent. Here are our last three years of annual reports, 990s, and CPA-reviewed financials.










Your donation is tracked.

Pawsitivity Service Dogs for Veterans is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that helps veterans with disabilities. We are registered in the state of Minnesota and do not receive any money from the government. Instead, we rely on donations from individuals to provide specially trained service dogs to veterans.

Pawsitivity is committed to being accountable to its donors. We have been recognized by the Charities Review Council and Guidestar for our high standards of accountability.

Pawsitivity's annual reports include financial information like the Statement of Operations (SOP), Statement of Assets (SOA), and Statement of Functional Expenses (SFE). Here is a summary of the key elements of the 2023 report:

  • How much of Pawsitivity's 2023 expenses went to administrative and developmental costs?

    Pawsitivity Service Dogs for Veterans spent 8% of its money in 2023 on administrative expenses, like paying its staff and rent. It spent 8% of its money on developmental expenses, like marketing and fundraising. The rest of its money, 84%, was spent on programs, like training service dogs. 

    The Charity Review Council regards an 84% program spending rate as very high, indicating that Pawsitivity is efficiently using its funds. Spending significantly more could mean the charity isn't allocating enough to fundraising, potentially placing an undue financial burden on its beneficiaries. With an 84% spending rate, Pawsitivity is considered a very effective organization. 

  • What is the Return on Investment for service dogs?

    An independent study in the Netherlands, published in a peer-reviewed journal, found that for every dollar spent on training service dogs, there is a 150% return in savings on caregiver expenses. Note that a three-year U.S. military study also showed that PTSD service dogs help reduce thoughts of suicide among veterans. These studies highlight the significant return on investment that service dogs provide, even without factoring in additional benefits like suicide reduction. Source: Diepenhorst, M., Weijnen, T., & Van Vree, F. (2010). Kosten en effectiviteit van hulphonden. Eindrapport. Een onderzoek in opdracht van het College voor Zorgverzekeringen. Zoetermeer: Research voor Beleid.
  • What is Pawsitivity's Employer Identification Number (EIN)?

    Our Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 47-146634. This number is used by the government to identify Pawsitivity as a tax-exempt organization. This means that all donations to Pawsitivity are 100% tax-deductible.

    If you donate to Pawsitivity, you can deduct the amount of your donation from your taxable income. This means that you will not have to pay taxes on the money that you donate.

  • What is Pawsitivity's contact info?

    Pawsitivity Service Dogs for Veterans, 197 Griggs St N, St Paul, MN 55104. 651-321-3647, [email protected],


Your donation is wisely used.

Some people think that the best way to judge a nonprofit is by how much of their money they spend on their programs. Pawsitivity gets top marks in this area, because we spend 84% of your money on programs.

Other people think that there are other financial metrics that are better for judging nonprofits. Here are some other metrics that are sometimes used:

  • Pawsitivity has a 128% Operating Reserve, which is over one year of liquid unreserved net assets (LUNA). This high Primary Reserve Ratio is one reason why we were able to keep running during the Covid pandemic. This shows that Pawsitivity a responsible organization that is good at managing money.

  • Pawsitivity has no debt! That means the organization doesn't owe any money to anyone. This is called a 0% Debt Ratio. A low debt ratio is good for an organization because it means we are not in danger of going bankrupt. Pawsitivity's 0% debt ratio is one of the things that makes us a strong organization. Pawsitivity's 0% debt ratio also contributes to a High Viability Ratio. Viability ratio is a measure of an organization's ability to pay its debts. Pawsitivity's high viability ratio is another sign that we are a strong and stable organization.

Overall, Pawsitivity's finances are in very good shape and very transparent, which means that you can be confident that your donation will help continue our mission of training service dogs for veterans.

Donate online or contact us directly to discuss grants, bequests, or special donations. We are available by mail, phone, or email at Pawsitivity Service Dogs for Veterans, 197 Griggs St N, St Paul, MN 55104, 651-321-3647, [email protected].


Help empower veterans who are struggling.