We are a nonprofit based
 in St. Paul, MN, founded in 2012, that trains service dogs for veterans and first responders.

Every day, 22 veterans lose their lives to suicide. Your donation will help break this tragic cycle. We provide these life-saving service dogs at no cost to the veteran. 

Give today or learn more to help stop veteran suicide. Together, we can save lives.

Service dogs in training practicing down


What Sets Us Apart: Our Proven Impact

Below is a quick comparison of how our organization stands out.

Feature Pawsitivity Service Dogs for Veterans
Proven Impact Independent third-party evaluation. Serving since 2012.
Financial Transparency Annual reports, 990s, and CPA reviews on website.
Program Spending Ratio  84% (A-rating by CharityWatch). 
Strong Partnerships  Many local collaborations.
Zero Cost to Veterans Fully funded by donations.

   Learn more about our unique approach and the veterans we serve    


Your donation will train lifesaving service dogs for:


Veterans with multiple disabilities

Veterans with Multiple Disabilities

“I trained with Pawsitivity Service Dogs in 2019 and received the trained service dog, Daniel, an adult black Labrador Retriever, to partner with in support of my PTSD received during combat in my service with the U.S. Army during OIF I and OEF VII. 

Pawsitivity not only trained Daniel to meet my needs but trained me as well to work with Daniel, communicate with him, understand my rights and be a responsible and proactive service animal owner. Pawsitivity embodies all of the seven Army core values; especially honor, integrity and selfless service. They are some of the kindest, hardworking and generous folks I have ever had the pleasure of spending time with.  

I enthusiastically recommend the 501(c)(3) nonprofit Pawsitivity Service Dogs to veterans who need a service dog.”

Peters’s story continues: Peter, a combat veteran and former police officer, understands the challenges these roles can bring. After experiencing the life-changing impact of his Pawsitivity service dog, he decided to give back. Thanks to donors like you, Peter completed several intensive training programs and is now now is a service dog trainer with Pawsitivity. 

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Emotional support dogs for first responders

First Responders, Including Police, Firefighters, and EMTs

“We are incredibly grateful to Pawsitivity for providing us with Toby, our exceptional therapy dog. Toby has had a profound impact on our police department, offering comfort and emotional support during challenging times. His presence has been invaluable in providing relief to both victims and officers during emergencies, helping to strengthen our community. Toby's gentle and playful demeanor brings joy to everyone he meets. We cannot thank Pawsitivity enough for this wonderful addition to our team and most importantly to our family. Thank you!”

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Before and after of a rescued dog in training transitioning to service dog.


Frequently Asked Questions 

How does my donation work?

Every dollar you donate goes directly toward empowering a veteran with a service dog, at no cost to them. The cost to raise and train each dog is $25,000, as determined by Congress in a study proving the life-saving impact of PTSD service dogs.

Four stages of training

We have a four-stage training program for rescue dogs, which takes about two years. Each stage is critical to the development of a well-behaved and obedient service dog.

  • Stage 1: Medical Exam and Assessment 
    • Thorough vet exam ensures health and suitability.
    • Personality evaluation determines fitness for service dog roles.
  • Stage 2: Basic Obedience Training
  • Stage 3: Public Access Training
    • Prepares the dog for public environments like stores and transportation.
    • Trains for calm behavior around people and animals.
    • Ensures independence and safety in public settings.
  • Stage 4: Placement
    • Matches the dog with a veteran.
    • Provides task-specific training for the veteran’s needs.
    • Builds a strong bond through joint training. Offers lifetime support post-graduation.

Founded in 2012

When did you start Pawsitivity? What disabilities do you train for?

Pawsitivity began its mission in 2012. By 2014, we proudly became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We empower veterans with a wide range of challenges. From PTSD to missing limbs, no or low vision, deafness, seizures, these dogs stand by our heroes every step of the way. 

PTSD in veterans

How will my donation help prevent veteran suicide?

Even when we train service dogs for multiple disabilities, we almost always train them to help with PTSD, as well. These dogs empower their veterans by recognizing early signs of the veteran’s rising emotional distress and then alerting the veteran before their emotions escalate. Once the veteran is alerted, their service dog then offers support. With these critical interventions, veterans regain control, rediscover their purpose, and ultimately, reconnect with the community. Without your help, many veterans may never get the critical support they need.

Rescue dogs

Do you rescue these dogs?

Yes, we do. We’re proud to work with shelters and rescues across the country. We also accept donated puppies, giving them a purpose that transforms lives. These dogs, often overlooked, step into a role of service that empowers the veterans who partner with them. This partnership embodies the best of what we stand for as a nation: resilience, dedication, and a commitment to never leaving anyone behind.

Always welcome back

If the dog has to be returned for some reason, will you take the dog back?

Absolutely. If circumstances ever prevent a veteran from keeping their service dog, we will welcome the dog back and ensure that the dog finds a new home filled with love.

Service dog candidate to pet career change

What do you do if the dog fails out?

Career change! We believe in second chances. If a dog isn’t suited to the role of a service dog, we find another path for them. Dogs who don’t meet the rigorous requirements of service work become therapy dogs, facility dogs, or treasured family pets.

More Stories of Impact

“Having a service dog’s unconditional love - a bond that never goes or redirects or gets mad at you – is huge." – Pawsitivity Testimonial

“The service dog gives me an overall sense of security and independence. I am not as afraid to go into a public area where I can be vulnerable.” – Pawsitivity Testimonial

“Our service dog is the best tool we’ve ever had.” – Pawsitivity Testimonial

Join Us in Preventing Veteran Suicides



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