If someone you care about has passed away and you would like people to donate to Pawsitivity Service Dogs instead of sending flowers, you can choose one of these options:
- You may have loved ones donate to Pawsitivity Service Dogs for Veterans at https://www.pawsitivityservicedogs.com/donate
- You may have loved ones mail checks to Pawsitivity Service Dogs for Veterans, 197 Griggs Street North, Saint Paul, MN 55104.
- You may email us at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can give us a call at 651-321-DOGS. We'll be happy to help you create a special page to honor your loved one. You can share a photo and write a paragraph about them, or if you'd rather, we can gather the necessary details from the obituary.
- You may complete the form below, and we will make a special page to honor your loved one. You can choose to include a photo and a paragraph, or we can gather the necessary details from the obituary if you prefer.