Pawsitivity Service Dogs

HELP CANADA'S ANIMALS EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER Please make a gift to help Canada's orphaned and injured animals in this emergency rescue.

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100% of your donation brings Canadian animals to safety.

You can help animals fleeing the 2021 summer wildfires in Canada. These wildfires are erupting in Canada, and your help is desperately needed. Pawsitivity is hosting a special fundraiser to rescue the animals hurt and fleeing these out-of-control wildfires. 100% of your gift will fund emergency rescues, shelters, and animal hospitals across Canada bringing injured and homeless animals to medical attention and rehoming them to safe areas—and for every animal that is rescued, other resources are opened up to help people.

You can help. Donate today to rescue the animals impacted by the Candian wildfires.

Emergency wildlife rescue

Injured hawk