Apr 25, 2014, 11:09 PM
German Shepherd Service Dog, Yorrdan, being all sweet and happy and gentle with young people. (Wow, Tennessee look so warm!)
Apr 23, 2014, 12:38 PM
Got a great note from Doby's handler!!! Hi, Tom, Thanks for your email. Diabetes Service Dog Doby is doing PERFECT in and out of the car! He heels and is well-behaved in restaurants and in stores.
Also, Doby has had to brace for two falls of mine this week. He helped me up with no hesitation!
Tell Julie that I was talking to an old colleague on the phone who's name is Julie. When Doby heard the name, his ears perked up. Thanks again Tom. Doby is a gift from God and we love him so! He loves all of our other pets and snuggles with our 20 year old cat!
Warm regards!
Bringing out the dog's sensitivity to people
When we first got Palmer, we struggled with getting her to focus on the handler, and it was impossible to get her to do “watch me,” especially outside. After months of training, she has gotten so much better! We worked on that outside today along with sit-stays, down-stays, and recalls.