Pawsitivity Service Dogs


Pawsitivity Service Dogs

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Sometimes we are asked for a current signed IRS form W-9 from when providing services. If you need a copy, you may either print the following image from your browser, save the image to your hard drive, or download the PDF at:  

Minnesota State Tax Exemption Letter + Certificate of Exemption

Pawsitivity's Minnesota State Tax Exemption letter and our MN Certificate of Exemption form aka ST3, is below. Note that you can print up either from the images below (just hit "print" on your browser) or download the PDF versions (letter or ST3).      

Pawsitivity passes CRC standards!

After a lot of hard work, Pawsitivity Service Dogs has passed the Charities Review Council's wonderfully rigorous standards!

Trademark registered

U.S. trademark Serial # 87-238,582, Reg. No. 5,259,653.   "The mark consists of a red heart with a paw-print inside." It's official! Pawsitivity's red-heart/silhouette-paw logo is now officially approved by the US patent office as our registered trademark, exclusive to the charity! It took a long time, a lot of paperwork (and even phone calls), but it's now all done! Yay!!!! Thank you to our mentor, Al Peters, Executive Director or Can Do Canines, for suggesting that we do this step!  

Midwest Book Award Finalist (edit: winner!)

Our book is a MIPA Finalist! Continue reading

Training Vocabulary

It's funny, at Pawsitivity, we use a pretty simple set of words, but many synonyms (or near-synonyms) exist. I put the following list together simply because I was amused at seeing a simple concept described so many ways. Continue reading

Apr 11, 2016, 10:58 AM

Pawsitivity trainee Xander hanging out before his initial vet exam. He is so brave and curious about everything in the world!

Thank you for partnering with us, MN Epilepsy Foundation

We were so excited to meet with the Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota! It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with such a dedicated  organization, and we are truly by the important work they do to support individuals and families affected by epilepsy! Continue reading